MEdia Engagement
iHabiMap project and team profiled in the Newsletter of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Student Consortium. Article Link
Charmaine Cruz was interviewed on The Insight Podcast in January 2021. Podcast link
Charmaine Cruz was interviewed by Silicon Republic on "How data science and drones combine to assess Ireland's Habitats. Article link
Conference Presentations & Posters

J. O'Connell, C. Chavan, C. Cruz, J. Connolly, K. McGuinness, J. Martin, P. Perrin (2022). Challenges in the use of EO and machine learning in the monitoring of natural habitats. 14th Irish Earth Observation Symposium (3-4 November 2022), TU Dublin.
C. Cruz, J. O'Connell, K. McGuinness, J. Martin, P. Perrin, J. Connolly (2022). Drones and Machine Learning for accurate and fine-grained mapping of Irish habitat types. 14th Irish Earth Observation Symposium (3-4 November 2022), TU Dublin.
Cruz, C., O'Connell, J., McGuiness, K., Martin, J., Perrin, P. and Connolly, J. (2022). Can UAVs be used as an effective tool to capture the spatial distributions of habitat types?. XXIV International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress. 6 - 11 June. Nice, France
Connolly, J., Habib, W., and Cruz, C. (2022). Remote sensing, GIS mapping and Monitoring in the Irish Landscape. NPWS stakeholder meeting. 26th January. Online.
Cruz, C., McGuinness, K., O'Connell, J., Martin, J., Perrin, P., Connolly, J. (2021). UAV-based approach for fine-scale mapping of coastal dune habitats. Conference of Irish Geographers, 19/05/21 (Online).
Cruz, C., McGuinness, K., O'Connell, J., Martin, J., Perrin, P., Connolly, J. (2021). Habitat mapping in coastal dunes using Random Forest classification of UAV images. EGU General Assemby, 30/04/21 (Online - PICO presentation).
Cruz, C. (2021). Can UAV (drones) be used as an effective tool to capture the spatial distributions of habitat types? TCD Dept. of Geography Postgraduate Symposium. 28/04/21 (Online).
Cruz, C. (2021). Multitemporal classification of coastal dune habitats using UAV images. Young SENSECO Seminar Series (Part of COST ACTION SENSECO), 08/04/21 Video Link
Cruz, C., O'Connell, J., McGuinness, K., Martin, J., Perrin, P., Connolly, J. (2020). Habitat mapping, assessment and monitoring using high-resolution imagery. Insight Student Conference, NUIG, Ireland. Feb 15th
Please click here to view the poster.
Cruz, C., O'Connell, J., McGuinness, K., Martin, J., Perrin, P., Connolly, J. (2019). Habitat mapping, assessment and monitoring using high-resolution imagery. IEOS, NUIG, Ireland.