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METAflux team members:

John Connolly is a Marie Curie research fellow. He worked at the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (INES) at Lund University, Sweden from 2012 to 2014. He has worked, in Ireland, for several years as a researcher and lecturer in remote sensing, GIS and physical geography. His interests lie predominantly in the assessment of carbon pools in the terrestrial environment, particularly in peatlands, and and how these ecosystems are affected by climate and anthropogenic disturbance.​

Lars Eklundh is a Professor of Geography at INES in Lund University. His main interest is using satellite data for collecting land surface information, primarily in Africa but also in the Nordic countries. Lars is joint leader of the Lund Earth Observation group. He has also developed TIMESAT, a model for seasonality information and smoothing of remotely sensed data.
Andreas Persson is a Lecturer of Physical Geography at INES and the Lund University GIS CenterHis
research interests are in hydrological modelling, climate change and GIS. Water in the landscape is coupled with climate change and the emissions of GHG. Hydrology in relation to thawing permafrost and modelling of potential emissions of methane is included in his projects.

METAflux collaborators:

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