Geospatial &
At the Trinity Geospatial and Environmental Modelling group (TGEM) we use GIS, remote sensing, AI and modelling data to refine our knowledge of the environment. Our main focus is to use geospatial data to acquire insights into our landscapes.
Our work is funded by several agencies including the Environmental Protection Agency of Ireland (EPA), Science Foundation Ireland and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), Research Ireland (TE)
We work closely with collaborators in Ireland including DCU, UCD, University of Galway, QUB, UL and universities in Sweden, UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Norway, Estonia, USA and Australia.
Our work is published in international peer reviewed journals.

Dr. John Connolly leads TGEM. He is a Physical Geographer who uses Geospatial analysis to study the Earth's surface and Human impacts on that surface. His work focuses on land use change over space and time; carbon dynamics in the landscape; and developing geospatial methods to study these areas.
He is the lead PI on the EPA funded ICONEEx project (2023-2025); the RePEAT project (2022-2024) and the iHabiMap project (2019 -2024); WP1 Leader on the EPA funded SmartBog project (2019 - 2024) and several other projects.
He teaches Geography, Remote Sensing and GIS in Geography at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
John collaborates widely and some of these collaborations can be seen here.