I use GIS and Earth Observation to examine terrestrial carbon dynamics, land use change, environmental degradation and map solar potential. I am particularly interested in peatland ecosystems across the globe.
I have coordinated several research proposals at national (EPA - PI and Co-PI; DAFM - PI & Co-PI), international (FP7 - Marie Curie IEF and H2020 - Coordinator) and Industry (Google Earth Engine - PI) and have an extensive network of collaborators across Europe (UK, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and France) as well as in the USA and Canada. In 2019, I had an opportunity to spend three weeks at the Earth and Environment Department at Boston University. During that time I was invited to be an International Collaborator on the NASA funded GLanCE: Global Land Cover mapping and Estimation project.
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I am actively involved in a number of research projects and have coordinated several national and international research proposals including:
Current funded projects:
EPA - PI on the ICONEEx Project (2023 - 2025 - €350,000)
DAFM/EPA - PI on the RePEAT Project (2022 - 2024 - €500,000)
EPA - Co-PI on the Irish Peatland Resilience project (2022 - 2023 - €300,000)
EPA - PI on the iHabiMap project (2019 - 2023 - €484,000)
EPA - CO-PI on the SmartBog project (2019-2023 €500,000)
Current unfunded/collaborative projects:
International Collaborator on the BlanketBog project (NTU, UK)
Co-coordinator on the Shass Mountain Landslide assessment project
Lead Coordinator Author on the Global Peatland Assessment (UNEP)
International Collaborator on the GLANCE project (Boston University)
Collaboration with Luggala Estate Ltd. on teaching and research.
Under Review:
DAFM research projects (Under Review - Summer 2023)
Previous Projects and applications:
DAFM - Co-PI on the GENENET project (2020 - 2022 - €227,000)
- Horizon Europe - Wetlander (2021 - Unsuccessful)
HEA North-South - GreenSynth (2021 - Unsuccessful)
SFI ENABLE - CO-PI on the SolarMap project (2019 -2021 - €124,000)
H2020 call EO-2-2017 (2017 - EO DataCatalyst - Coordinator - Unsuccessful).
EPA Proposal - Co-PI on Terrestrial GHGs project (2016 - Ranked 2nd)
EPA Proposal - PI on the proposed COMPASS Project (ClassificatiOn and Mapping of PeAtlandS Status - 2015 ranked 2nd)
Google Earth Engine Research Award - Co-PI the Pan Arctic Net Ecosystem Exchange project (PANEEX) (2015 - $75,000 )
FP7:Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship - PI on the Mire Ecosystem Transition Area Flux project (METAflux) examining thawing permafrost peatlands in Northern Sweden (2012 - 2014 - €241,000).
EPA STRIVE application - PI on an EPA STRIVE application (2011 - ranked 2nd).
Norwegian Research Council - Co-PI on proposal: Detection and monitoring of mires on the Arctic fringe (given an excellent mark (6 out of 7) but unsuccessful).
EPA STRIVE Doctoral Scholarship - Co-PI on Remote sensing of grasslands for evaluating compliance with key environmental legislation (2009 - €95,000)
EPA STRIVE - PI on the funded postdoctoral research fellowship: Identification, mapping, assessment and quantification of the effects disturbance on the peat soil C stock in Ireland (PEAT IMAQ) (2008 - €278,000)
EPA STRIVE - Co-PI on an Doctoral Scholarship: Assessing and monitoring vegetation disturbance on Irish peatlands using satellite remote sensing (2007 - €95,000)
I am very interested in working with researchers and supervising PhD students with interests in applied earth observation and GIS under the following themes:
- Land use and land use change (particularly in relation to Peatland and Agriculture)
- Permafrost degradation in the Arctic
- Landscape carbon dynamics
- Detecting and mapping peatlands and peatland degradation
- Mapping the historical extent of Irish Peatlands and loss of carbon store
- Ecosystem Services in natural environments
- Solar mapping
Funding Support